Weekly Selection: Venezuela MUN-ing in Taiwan!

Share in Google Buzz Sunday, February 28, 2010

 MUN-ing in Taiwan: "Taiwan MUN 2009" review "Diplomatic" is how Venezuelan delegate, Betty, portrays the WorldMUN 2010 NTU Host Team. "Smart" is the word she uses to describe the delegates who participated in Taiwan MUN 2009 (TWMUN 09),...

Weekly Selection: MUN, my family

Share in Google Buzz Friday, February 19, 2010

「MUN, my family.」- Andy What makes a terrific team? Its size? Its impressive output? No, the best team is a group of people tightly connected to each other, always willing to support one another, as you would in a family. It's the impeccable...

5 Social Event Nights on Youtube: 45 sec Trailer!

Share in Google Buzz Friday, February 12, 2010

3/14 Global Village Taipei City Hall 3/15 Lunar New Year Chiang-kai Shek Memorial Hall 3/16 Cabaret Denwell Wedding House 3/17 Kung Fu Master Night National Taiwan University Gym 3/18 Farewell Party Luxy Taipe...

A Peek at Social Events: Night 3

Share in Google Buzz Monday, February 1, 2010

Night 3:Cabaret (click image to see large clearer vie...