The part of a legislative chamber, meeting room, etc., where the members sit, and from which they speak; the right of one member to speak from such a place in preference to other members
The common meaning of the word "floor" is the surface of a room that we walk on. In a conference room, "the floor" means more than that layer of the building. In MUN, the floor is largely occupied by delegation seats and the podium where the Chair presides.
Having the floor all to yours is an expression of having the right to speak. Only one speaker may speak at a time, the rest quietly listening until his or her turn.
The Chair now announces the floor officially open.
I will now take questions from the floor.
You may have the floor.
The delegate of UK passed a note to ask the Chair for the floor.
The part of a legislative chamber, meeting room, etc., where the members sit, and from which they speak; the right of one member to speak from such a place in preference to other members
The common meaning of the word "floor" is the surface of a room that we walk on. In a conference room, "the floor" means more than that layer of the building. In MUN, the floor is largely occupied by delegation seats and the podium where the Chair presides.
Having the floor all to yours is an expression of having the right to speak. Only one speaker may speak at a time, the rest quietly listening until his or her turn.
The Chair now announces the floor officially open.
I will now take questions from the floor.
You may have the floor.
The delegate of UK passed a note to ask the Chair for the floor.