Weekly Selection: Happy Birthday, Yolanda!

Share in Google Buzz Friday, January 29, 2010

After our Host Team scheduled meeting, someone motioned for another item to be discussed. This is when our Host Team President, Jason, sneaks in with a cake in hand. Serious conference-faces melt into cheerful smiles. Together, we sing happy...

A Peek at Social Events: Night 2

Share in Google Buzz Thursday, January 21, 2010

Night 2: Lunar New Year (click image to see large clearer view)...

A Peek at Social Events: Night 1

Share in Google Buzz Saturday, January 9, 2010

Night 1: Global Village 黃彥捷 Huang, Yen-Chieh (Sam)Deputy Director of Social Eve...

Social Events coming up!

Share in Google Buzz Friday, January 1, 2010

"The Best Social Events Ever!"- Host Team Division of SE Yes, this is the reason we are here. To create the best WorldMUN social events ever! This dream cannot be possible without unshakeable faith and tremendous dedication. Now stepping...