WorldMUN 2011 in Singapore!

Share in Google Buzz Tuesday, December 14, 2010

It's been another year around, and the WorldMUN 2010 in Taipei Host Team would like to encourage everybody to participate in the conference that will take place in Singapore! Don't miss the fun and the brand new MUN experience! For more information,...

Closing Address by Secretary-General, Harvard Team (Transcript)

Share in Google Buzz Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Closing Address-2 by Ami Nash, Secretary-General, Harvard Team Date: March 18th, 2010 Length:482words, 3 minutes Thanks very much Bianca. Delegates, Faculty Advisers, Sponsors and Supporters of WorldMUN, and distinguished guests, it's...

Closing Address by President of NTU Host Team (Transcript)

Share in Google Buzz Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Closing Address-1 by Jason Hou, President of NTU Host Team Date: March 18th, 2010 Length:929words, 5 minutes Good afternoon, Our distinguished guests, supporters and sponsors, dear Secretary General Ami Nash, Ladies and gentlemen, and last...

WorldMUN 2010 Promo + Opening Address Transcript

Share in Google Buzz Monday, March 22, 2010

WorldMUN 2010, Taipei Promo WorldMUN Taipei Promo from resonance studio on Vimeo. Opening Address-1 by Jason Hou, President of NTU Host Team Date: March 14th, 2010 Length:1338words, 10 minutes Good afternoon, Our honorable President...

What's Happening: Cabaret

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WorldMUN 2010 Social Events Night 3: Cabaret @ Denwell Wedding House (120 photos) (photographed by: Li, Zhen-Hao - Officer of Social Events Logisti...

What's Happening: Lunar New Year

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WorldMUN 2010 Social Events Night 2: Lunar New Year @ Chiang Kai-shek Memorial Hall (100 photos) (photographed by: Li, Zhen-Hao - Officer of Social Events Logisti...

The China Post: WorldMUN completes successful run

Share in Google Buzz Friday, March 19, 2010

(Friendly transcript from: TAIPEI, Taiwan -- The 2010 World Model United Nations (WorldMUN), co-organized by Harvard University and National Taiwan...

Focus Taiwan: Taiwanese students win record awards at mock U.N.

Share in Google Buzz Thursday, March 18, 2010

(Friendly transcript from: 2010/03/18 19:20:08 Taipei, March 18 (CNA) Three Taiwanese students won awards for their diplomatic skills at the end of Harvard University's...

What's Happening: Global Village

Share in Google Buzz Wednesday, March 17, 2010

WorldMUN 2010 Social Events Night 1: Global Village @ Taipei City Hall (91 photos) (photographed by: Li, Zhen-Hao - Officer of Social Events Logisti...

Focus Taiwan: Taiwan's `Super Card' wows model U.N. delegates

Share in Google Buzz Tuesday, March 16, 2010

(Friendly transcript from: 2010/03/16 17:47:40 Taipei, March 16 (CNA) Taiwanese students organizing an annual activity simulating United Nations meetings have...

WorldMUN 2010 Online Broadcast!

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Watch Now: Please use Internet Explorer Please download the software below and come back to watch SopPlayer: Due to the unstable bandwith limitation...

Taiwaninfo: L’esprit des Nations unies souffle à Taipei

Share in Google Buzz Monday, March 15, 2010

(Friendly transcript from: Lundi 15 mars 2010 « Chercher à établir la paix et éviter les conflits sont des objectifs particulièrement nobles qui...

DERWESTEN: Zur Debatte nach Fernost

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(Friendly transcript from: Zur Debatte nach Fernost Moers, 09.03.2010, Harry Seelhoff Moers/Taipeh. Er kommt aus Scherpenberg und weiß, dass er gegen die Besten...

Focus Taiwan: Taiwan students show high enthusiasm despite U.N. exclusion

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(Friendly transcript from: 2010/03/15 22:19:51 Taipei, March 15 (CNA) Taiwan's exclusion from the United Nations has not diminished Taiwanese students' interest...

Focus Taiwan: Mock U.N. conference opens in Taipei

Share in Google Buzz Sunday, March 14, 2010

(Friendly transcript from: 2010/03/14 20:56:10 Taipei, March 14 (CNA) The annual mock United Nations conference organized by university students in Taiwan and...

WorldMUN 2010 Opening Ceremonies

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Dear Guest: Organized by Harvard University and National Taiwan University Teams, the 19th Annual World Model United Nations (WorldMUN 2010) will take place in Taipei from March 14-18, 2010. 1800 students from over 200 universities, 40 countries...

WorldMUN 2010 Press Conference

Share in Google Buzz Saturday, March 13, 2010

A press conference was held at NTU on March 12th. We have received blessings from NTU, the Taipei City Government, the Harvard Alumni Association of ROC, and our many sponsors. Press Conference Remarks  by Secretary-General, Ami Nash...

The ONE WorldMUN 2010 Team!

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The Harvard Secretariats arrived at the Tao Yuan International Airport late at night on March 10th. After months of skype conference calls and gtalks, gmails and word minutes, the two team meet at last we become unitedly the ONE WorldMUN 2010...

Taipei Times: NTU, Harvard hold World Model UN meeting in Taipei

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(Friendly transcript from: ) By Flora Wang STAFF REPORTER Saturday, Mar 13, 2010, Page 2 A World Model UN (WorldMUN) meeting co-hosted by National Taiwan University (NTU)...

WorldMUN Interview with MOFA Director-General, Department of North American Affairs

Share in Google Buzz Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Mr. Tseng Hou-Ren Director-General, Department of North American Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Republic of China (Taiwan) WorldMUN 2010 Host Team Division of Public Relations is honored to share with its delegates and friends worldwide...

Day-to-Day Transportation Map and Info!

Share in Google Buzz Saturday, March 6, 2010

Click web shot below to access pages on City Transporation, Day-to-Day Info on how to get from venues to venues, and specially selected Taipei attraction...

WorldMUN 2010 MRT Station Lightbox!

Share in Google Buzz Thursday, March 4, 2010

"From Taipei to The World" World Model United Nations (WorldMUN) is the most internationally diverse college-level Model UN conference. This March, the Harvard Team along with the National Taiwan University Host Team will bring the phenomenal...

WorldMUN 2010 Assistant Chair A++ Training Program??

Share in Google Buzz Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Every Saturday morning at 8:50 AM, 70 students show up at NTU’s classroom with their backpacks and some with their breakfasts. Two students checked the name list for each incoming student and hand them their badge. Four others are up on the...

Weekly Selection: Venezuela MUN-ing in Taiwan!

Share in Google Buzz Sunday, February 28, 2010

 MUN-ing in Taiwan: "Taiwan MUN 2009" review "Diplomatic" is how Venezuelan delegate, Betty, portrays the WorldMUN 2010 NTU Host Team. "Smart" is the word she uses to describe the delegates who participated in Taiwan MUN 2009 (TWMUN 09),...

Weekly Selection: MUN, my family

Share in Google Buzz Friday, February 19, 2010

「MUN, my family.」- Andy What makes a terrific team? Its size? Its impressive output? No, the best team is a group of people tightly connected to each other, always willing to support one another, as you would in a family. It's the impeccable...

5 Social Event Nights on Youtube: 45 sec Trailer!

Share in Google Buzz Friday, February 12, 2010

3/14 Global Village Taipei City Hall 3/15 Lunar New Year Chiang-kai Shek Memorial Hall 3/16 Cabaret Denwell Wedding House 3/17 Kung Fu Master Night National Taiwan University Gym 3/18 Farewell Party Luxy Taipe...

A Peek at Social Events: Night 3

Share in Google Buzz Monday, February 1, 2010

Night 3:Cabaret (click image to see large clearer vie...

Weekly Selection: Happy Birthday, Yolanda!

Share in Google Buzz Friday, January 29, 2010

After our Host Team scheduled meeting, someone motioned for another item to be discussed. This is when our Host Team President, Jason, sneaks in with a cake in hand. Serious conference-faces melt into cheerful smiles. Together, we sing happy...

A Peek at Social Events: Night 2

Share in Google Buzz Thursday, January 21, 2010

Night 2: Lunar New Year (click image to see large clearer view)...

A Peek at Social Events: Night 1

Share in Google Buzz Saturday, January 9, 2010

Night 1: Global Village 黃彥捷 Huang, Yen-Chieh (Sam)Deputy Director of Social Eve...

Social Events coming up!

Share in Google Buzz Friday, January 1, 2010

"The Best Social Events Ever!"- Host Team Division of SE Yes, this is the reason we are here. To create the best WorldMUN social events ever! This dream cannot be possible without unshakeable faith and tremendous dedication. Now stepping...